Interior Remodel

Interior Estimated Costs

Interior Remodel

$30,000 - $250,000+

Estimated Timelines

Design: 6+ weeks
Pre-construction: 4-8 weeks
Build: 10+ weeks

Interior renovation can include major layout changes, design, structural work, all MEP relocation/rework, painting, and flooring OR a single room facelift.

Please contact us for a personalized budget estimate.

Popular Upgrades

Kitchen Remodel
Bathroom Remodel

Doors & Windows
Open Concept
Upgraded Insulation

Updated Electrical
Updated Plumbing
And More!

Every project is entirely unique—ranges and timelines will vary based on scope, materials, finishes, and overall design.


Transform your home into a space that reflects your family’s unique needs, aesthetics, and lifestyle by updating a few rooms or your entire living space. Reconfigure layouts, remove or add walls, and enhance your home’s energy efficiency for future savings and comfort.

There are many factors that go into an interior remodel. Check out our pricing below for a good budget starting point. Expect to spend between $85-$175 per square foot, with an average ROI of 50-100% according to the Appraisal Institute of Canada. A 75% ROI is more realistic.

Kitchen Interior Remodel
Stylish bathroom remodeled
Stylish and functional kitchen
Kitchen interior remodel

Our Process


Listening to your ideas, wants, needs, and budget we develop a plan.


We develop all floor plans, layouts, and construction drawings while maintaining the project budget.


The design and budget are set. We construct and manage your project from start to finish.

Stunning yard pool with garden landscape
Blue print design
Quotation Mark Vector
5 Golden Stars Vector

We have worked with Mike on a few projects , he always has a great attention to detail, easy to get a hold of and great at communicating projects !

-Carl Jackson

Wooden Ceiling Interior Remodel

Get your personalized Interior remodel estimate.

A kitchen remodel has many variables. Let us narrow down your estimate for you.